69 – My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization

Organize 365 Podcast
69 - My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization

I have been feeling the tug to share my personal experience with depression for quite a while.

It may surprise you to hear that I have struggled with depression. I’m a pretty upbeat gal! Well, it surprised me too.

In today’s podcast, I share my personal story with depression and how it affects every area of life.

Here are 5 tips I gave myself and share with clients about how depression affects organization.

  1. Give yourself grace.

I cannot even put into words how depression zapped me of every shred of energy to do ANYTHING. And the thought of tackling an organization project was SO overwhelming. My “willpower” got up and went – AWAY!

  1. Get a friend to help you.

Another friend’s perspective, energy, and motivation are contagious and can help you push through when you just want to watch TV. Used strategically, friends can help you get organized and stay functioning when your initiative is low.

Over 50% of the Organize 365 clients call us in to help because they just can’t do the organizing themselves in their depressed state.

  1. Pick ONE area and COMPLETE it before moving on no matter how long it takes.

Slow and steady wins the race! Your home did not become a “mess” overnight, and it won’t get organized overnight either. One step at a time.

Pick an area where you can get a quick win and start there:

  • Your night stand
  • Your dresser
  • The car
  • The Master Closet

The key is to MAINTAIN that area when you tackle area #2. The Productive Home Solutionâ„¢ is ordered in a way so the areas you organize will stay organized as you move on to the next area of your home.

  1. Acknowledge your limitations.

I know how frustrated you are! Knowing what I USED to be able to do made me even MORE depressed when I couldn’t seem to tackle even the basics when I was depressed.

If it’s a bad day… it’s OK! You have time to get organized and take care of yourself.

And when your desire is beyond your physical ability – hire help.

  1. Surround yourself with positive people.

I know it’s easier to say than do, but I always felt better when I made myself go OUT and BE with people, even though I didn’t want to.

I can’t even tell you how many times we will be laughing with clients and then they say,

  • “I can’t believe how fun you make organizing!”
  • “I haven’t been able to laugh like that in a long time.”
  • “If I knew how quickly you could get this organized I wouldn’t have waited so long to call.”
  • and our favorite. “I can’t believe there are people who actually LIKE to organize!”

These thoughts come from my personal experience. What about you? Do you have any tips to share?

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